I have always found language to be a beautiful medium and I often hear the melody of a particular language. In my younger years I wanted to become an interpreter and translator. That didn't quite happen. Fortunately, language plays a major role in my profession. How you talk to yourself, how you talk to others, how you hear things. Hypnotic language can be artfully vague or very specific and detailed if, for example, you want to ask something out. In short, language is beautiful in all its forms! That is why when I have some time to spare, I occasionally write a blog about my profession and related topics.
Feel free to take a look around to see if there is anything that catches your attention. And if you want to know more about a specific topic, feel free to message me. I'll write about that next time.
Pastoor Heerkensdreef 12c
5552 BG Valkenswaard,