Virtual gastric band & weight loss

Losing weight with gastric band therapy

The virtual gastric band is a proven program that works with the help of hypnosis. The results are experienced very positively and are without all the dangers of a real operation. The program addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes.

Who is a virtual gastric band suitable for?

For everyone who:

  • is more than 10 kilos overweight,
  • is motivated to lose weight in a healthy way,
  • or eats too large portions,
  • or is hungry all day long,
  • or is an emotional eater (when sad, angry, tired, etc.,
  • or is worried about health,
  • or are considering a real gastric band.
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  • What is addressed with virtual gastric band therapy?

    During the sessions, we work on various aspects, including:

    • Making healthier and more conscious choices.
    • dentifying and changing unhealthy patterns.
    • Reframing limiting beliefs and thoughts.
    • Developing new approaches to your body, emotions, diet, and drinking habits.
    • Gaining control over portion sizes.
  • How does virtual gastric band work?

    The virtual gastric band is a metaphor designed to make weight loss easier. It serves as a supportive tool, requiring adherence to specific guidelines.

    The goals of the program are, in addition to losing weight:

    1. To learn to listen to your body's signals.
    2. To deal with the saboteurs that try to prevent you from reaching your goals.

    The Process:

    First Session: This includes an intake interview where we get to know each other, discuss the program and its guidelines in detail. You will receive an assignment to work on and an audio recording to listen to.

    - Second Session: We place the virtual gastric band and, if desired, add an aversion component.

    - Subsequent Sessions: We evaluate what is going well and identify areas that need more attention. Based on this assessment, we apply the appropriate techniques.

    If you’re interested, we also offer self-hypnosis training in one of the sessions.

  • Disadvantages of virtual gastric band

    Surgical procedures always involve a risk.  If you search on Google for disadvantages of stomach reduction and risks, you will come across these disadvantages:

    • Leaks: Holes can develop at the site of stitches or staples.
    • Bleeding: Post-operative bleeding can occur at the site of the surgery.
    • Infections: Such as wound infection, pneumonia, or urinary tract infections.
    • Thrombosis: Blood clots can form.
    • Death: In rare cases, surgery can result in death.

    These risks might make the safer alternative of the virtual gastric band seem appealing. However, the virtual gastric band also has some drawbacks:

    • Everything Feels Loose: As you become slimmer, your clothes may no longer fit properly. This can be frustrating since your clothes don't shrink with you. You might temporarily address this by drying or washing your clothes at a higher temperature or by altering them yourself. If you're not handy with needle and thread, you’ll need to outsource this or go shopping, which can be a hassle and a financial burden.
    • Money Left Over: After a quick grocery run, you might find yourself surprised at how much money you have left over when you check the total. It can be a pleasant surprise, but it might leave you wondering what you missed or if everything is correct. It’s frustrating to consistently have money left over every month.
    • Your Reflection: You might have avoided mirrors in the past, but now you spend more time in front of them as you notice your slimming figure. Seeing your progress can be exhilarating and motivating, making the mirror seem magical.
    • Relaxed Attitude: Thanks to daily hypnosis, you may find yourself more relaxed. For example, if someone takes a parking spot you were waiting for, you might shrug it off and park further away without getting upset. You’ll feel calm and untroubled.
    • Becoming Athletic: If you previously disliked exercise, the virtual gastric band might motivate you to move more. You might start enjoying daily activities like walking in the park, going to the gym, cycling, or dancing. You’ll notice improvements in your fitness and energy levels, which might surprise you and make you realize you’re becoming quite the sports enthusiast.
    • Unexpected Compliments: Finally, you might receive comments like “Wow, you look great!” from acquaintances. While intended as a compliment, such attention might feel awkward or uncomfortable.

    Overall, while the virtual gastric band offers many benefits, it’s important to be aware of these potential challenges and adjustments.

  • How much does a virtual gastric band cost?

    Basic Gastric Band Therapy Program (max. 3 Months):

    • Duration: Up to 3 months
    • Sessions: Five sessions lasting 60 to 90 minutes each (including the intake session)
    • Audio Hypnosis: At least 1 audio hypnosis session
    • Guidance: Explanation of the 8 golden rules
    • Support: Personalized guidance, mental coaching, and tips (with the option to receive answers to all your questions via WhatsApp on a weekly basis)
    • Follow-Up: Opportunity for a customized follow-up program

    Annual Program in Development!

    The annual program will be a combination of online and in-person sessions.

What makes the virtual gastric band program different?

Most diets involve some form of deprivation and/or denial. Some diets require you to count calories or points, but with any diet the mind is programmed to think about food. So you usually think about food even more often than before!

And when you avoid comfort food or eat differently from the rest of the family, three things happen:

  • your mind fights it,
  • your body fights it,
  • and your daily environment fights it.

And how many times have you said to yourself “This is the last one I'll get! From tomorrow on I will only eat....” Only to hold on for a few days and then slide again! Most eating habits are deeply rooted in the unconscious, so the end result often remains the same. Consciously denying yourself something often increases your desire for that specific thing.

Fortunately, there is good news! Eating a little less than we need – but eating whatever we want – can actually lead to lasting weight loss. Completely banning your favorite food is a bad idea, but reducing it is feasible and easy to maintain. Everyone knows that eating less and exercising more will lead to a better physique, make you fitter and increase your general health.

This program uses a virtual gastric band and other techniques to control your sabotaging thoughts, but is NOT a diet. It allows you to create new habits that you can maintain. You eat consciously and are able to listen to what your stomach tells you.

The result is safe and gradual weight loss – without dieting.


If you have been battling obesity all your life and have tried many diets, powders, bars, and other methods, then one or more of the tips below might be something for you. If you have always been thin(er), but have now reached a certain age where things are no longer so easy, then I also advise you to read on and take advantage of the tips.

Tips for losing weight.

  1. Smell an apple, banana or mint. You may find it a bit strange, but it really works. At least, that's what Dr. Alan R. Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago says. He tested with 3,000 volunteers and found that the more people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost – an average of 15 kilos. The theory behind this is that by smelling the food, you trick your brain into thinking that you are actually eating it.
  2. Reduce your meals throughout the day. A recent study, in which two test groups took part, showed that the timing of calorie intake had an influence. There was a group of overweight women who ate 700 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 200 calories for dinner. And there was a group that ate the same thing, but in reverse order. After 13 months, the big breakfast eaters had lost 9 kilos and the big dinner eaters only 4.5 kilos.
  3. Hang a mirror opposite you at the dining table. Study showed that if you eat while you can see yourself in the mirror, you eat almost one third less. It turns out that looking at yourself while you eat reflects your goals and beliefs and reminds you of the fact that you were trying to lose weight.
  4. If you snack, snack on something that you have to remove the wrapper from first. A Swiss study showed that people ate 30% less sweets if they had to remove the paper first. Because removing the paper requires effort, it can reduce the cravings of snackers. Well, at least slow down quite a bit. Just think of toffee and sweets, which are difficult to get rid of.
  5. Light a vanilla-scented candle after dinner. The vanilla aroma reduces the need for dessert. A group of 160 volunteers lost an average weight of almost 2.5 kilos just by carrying vanilla-scented potpourri bags.
  6. Put down your cutlery after every bite. Take your time with your food and put your cutlery down after every bite. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you have had enough. If you eat (too) quickly, you overeat. Give your brain a chance to pick up the signal that you've eaten enough and then listen.
  7. Drink water, water, and more water. We cannot emphasize it enough. People lose weight simply by drinking more water. Water purifies, flushes your organs, removes waste products and provides a fuller feeling.
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